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Showing posts from December, 2015

Art appreciation day part 2.

Wudu by Sophia Kamal

All pictures taken with iPhone 5s, hence the quality. 😅

Kuala Selangor 2015


Ants crawl, Birds fly,  Clouds drift, Sun sets, Crickets sing, Friends laugh, Blood rushes,   Plants grow, And at this moment, I wish for this inexplicable serenity to stay infinite .


There's something about the serene fragrance of the grass that can be smelled after it rains, There's something about the cool breeze blowing in your hair, There's something about the golden and crimson hues that vividly occupy the sky, Though blocked by a vast number of clouds, the hues always seem to slip through, enchanting the witnesses like how water or sand can slip through the tightly-grasped hands, There's something so intriguing yet fascinating about civilians; people walking by, young teenage boys playing basketball, friends meeting up at the park, laughters that can be heard, the jovial and warm fuzzy feeling that rush through their veins, the elderly exercising, siblings looking out for each other. Just, human beings. They all mesmerize me in ways that cannot be explained. All of us play a role in this life, we complete each other's existence. Why can't certain people see that? Why can't they see that everyone, each and everyone of us is...