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Showing posts from November, 2018

For North Star

I was thinking.. How should I begin this blog letter? Dear Shagunk? Like how Yasmin Ahmad wrote Toffee to refer to a particular person in her personal journal entree? But Shagunk sounds a bit rempit and your initial is too obvious. So out of all your never-ending nicknames, I shall go with North Star. Like the first playlist I ever made you, For North Star. I wrote this letter last night, and I thought of sending it to you over the weekend. But I don't think I have the guts to. So being the chicken I am, I am writing down the letter here thinking maybe you'll read it, maybe you won't. So here goes nothing; , , , , , , , , Dear North Star, There's so much that I'd like to say to you. So much that I have been keeping to myself. But where do I even begin? Is it even possible to tell them all? They are all scattered around now. From my sorrows to my happiness, even to my confusion. Do you have any idea that even by talking to you could make me happy?...