Arwah Tan Sri P. Ramlee.
Never have I given him a deliberate thought. I have watched his movies, listened to his songs, sure, but I never really grasped the meanings behind them. It is most probably because I started watching his movies ever since I was very little, I did not know how to truly appreciate his work.
Yesterday, just out of the blue I felt like I wanted to listen to his songs again. And of course, the first song that I looked for on youtube was Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti from my favourite P. ramlee movie, Ibu Mertuaku.
I remember watching this movie with my mother and vague memories of her crying her eyeballs out are somehow still existent in my mind. This movie (spoiler alert if you have not watched it) told a story of a saxophonist, Kassim Selamat (P. Ramlee) whose marriage with the only daughter of a wealthy family was objected persistently and assiduously by his mother-in-law.
The second the song Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti started playing, what-had-been-forgotten bits of my past experience came flooding back and it made me come into a realization. My late father, who passed away when I was 12, always sang the intro of this song to me. Without preamble rolls of tears started to careen down my cheeks. I had not realize it then how much this song would mean to me someday. The intro goes:
" Hendak ku nangis,
Tiada berair mata,
Hendak ku senyum,
Tiada siapa nak teman,
Kalau dah nasib,
Sudah tersurat,
Begini hebat,
Apa nak buat."
P. Ramlee's melancholic notes and voice brought nothing but emotions to my already nimble heart. Having to lose a father for almost a decade, I hate to admit this but, I have become sort of numb. Numb towards what, I don't even know. I still do recite an al-fatihah to him 5 times a day after my daily prayer, but I usually do it in a rush without genuine, sincere feeling to it. I do it partly because it has become a norm to me. But this song, particularly the intro, brought back the sadness and the emptiness that I felt after my father left us.
After the song ended, I started playing other songs by him such as Jeritan Batinku and Jangan Tinggal Daku. I even watched a documentary on his life journey when I should have spent my time studying for my final examination instead, har har. Boy I am screwed.
Putting that aside, P. Ramlee was truly one of a kind. His creativity brought so many people together, barrels of tears fell, and an abundance of emotions felt. May both P. Ramlee and my late father be granted with the highest deeds, their sins pardoned, and a place in paradise.
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